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教授 史伟
2020-11-03 19:38   审核人:








Email: shiwei@tju.edu.cn


国家特聘人才计划专家,主要从事光纤激光技术和太赫兹技术方面的研究。2000 年在山东大学晶体材料国家重点实验室获得博士学位后,先后在美国阿肯色大学和理海大学从事研究工作,2009-2012 任美国著名单频光纤激光器公司NP Photonics 高级研发总监(Sr. Director of R&D)2008-2012 年任亚利桑那大学光学中心兼职教授,2012 年全职归国在天津大学工作。在高功率和窄线宽光纤激光器、基于非线性光学和光泵浦气体增益的THz波源以及新型固体激光器和光场调控方面取得系统研究成果,并将光纤激光器推向产业化,研制的光纤激光器已批量应用于工业和国防领域。发表SCI期刊论文100余篇,引用超过5000次,H因子37,入选2021年度爱思唯尔“中国高被引学者”

担任中国光学工程学会常务理事、天津市激光技术学会理事长、OPTICAOSA)旗下核心期刊Applied OpticsJOSAB编辑,担任CLEOPhotonics WestCLEO PRASSL等国际顶会Committee MemberSession Chair

2012年入选OPTICAOSA Fellow


1. 教育经历:

1997.09-2000.07  山东大学  晶体材料国家重点实验室  博士 (全国优博论文)

1986.09-1989.09  山东大学  硕士

1982.09-1986.07  山东大学  学士


2. 工作经历:

2012.5至今 天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院   教授

2008.08-2012.05 美国亚利桑那大学(University of Arizona)光学中心   教授(兼职)

2005.11-2012.05 美国NP Photonics Inc. 工程师、总工程师、技术总监、高级技术总监

2003.01-2005.11 美国理海大学(Lehigh University    研究员

2003.01-2005.11 美国ArkLight Inc.   研究员

2001.01-2002.01 美国阿肯色大学(University of Arkansas   研究员

1997.09-2001.01 中国山东大学  副教授  


3. 研究方向:




4. 部分科研项目:

1)       国家重点研发计划项目


2)       863项目课题

高性能单纤万瓦级光纤激光器前沿技术研究(2014AA041901 2014.01-2016.12

3)       973项目课题


4)       国家自然科学基金重点项目


5)       国家自然科学基金面上项目


6)       国家自然科学基金面上项目

基于反谐振光纤的THz光纤激光器的研究(62075159 2021.01-2024.12

7)       山东省自主创新及成果转化专项


8)       山东省重点研发计划项目

制造用皮秒/飞秒激光器技术研究(2017CXCC0808 2017.01-2020.03

9)       山东省重点研发计划项目

高性能及大功率光纤激光关键材料研发和产业化(2019JZZY020206 2019.01-2021.12


5. 学术兼职:

OPTICAOSA     Fellow

中国光学工程学会    常务理事

天津市激光技术学会  理事长

OPTICAOSA)旗下核心期刊Applied OpticsJOSAB编辑

CLEOPhotonics WestCLEO PRASSL等国际顶会Committee member


6. 荣誉奖项:




7. 代表性论文:

[1]     Q. Sheng, A. Wang, Y. Ma*, S. Wang, M. Wang, Z. Shi, J. Liu, S. Fu, W. Shi*, J. Yao, and T. Omatsu, "Intracavity spherical aberration for selective generation of single-transverse-mode Laguerre-Gaussian output with order up to 95," PhotoniX 3, 4 (2022).

[2]     J. Zhang, Q. Sheng*, L. Zhang, C. Shi, S. Sun, W. Shi*, and J. Yao, "2.56W single-frequency all-fiber oscillator at 1720 nm," Advanced Photonic Research, 3(2), 2100256 (2022).

[3]     L. Zhang, J. Zhang, Q. Sheng*, S. Fu, Y. Li, C. Shi, W. Shi*, and J. Yao, " Intracavity tandemly-pumped and gain-switched Tm-doped fiber laser at 1.7 m," Journal of Lightwave Technology, 40, (2022). doi: 10.1109/JLT.2022.3158316

[4]     M. Wang#, Y. Ma#, Q. Sheng*, X. He, J. Liu, W. Shi*, J. Yao, and T. Omatsu, "Laguerre-Gaussian beam generation via enhanced intracavity spherical aberration," Opt. Express, 29(17), 27783-27790 (2021).

[5]     L. Zhang#, J. Zhang#, Q. Sheng*, C. Shi, W. Shi*, and J. Yao, "Watt-level 1.7-μm single-frequency thulium-doped fiber oscillator," Opt. Express, 29(17), 27048-27056 (2021).

[6]     L. Zhang#, J. Zhang#, Q. Sheng*, Y. Li, C. Shi, W. Shi*, and J. Yao, "1.7-μm Tm-doped fiber laser intracavity-pumped by an erbium/ytterbium-codoped fiber laser," Opt. Express, 29(16), 25280-25289 (2021). Editor’s Pick.

[7]     J. Zhang, Q. Sheng*, L. Zhang, C. Shi, S. Sun, X. Bai, W. Shi*, and J. Yao, "Single-frequency 1.7-μm Tm-doped fiber laser with optical bistability of both power and longitudinal mode behavior," Opt. Express, 29(14), 21409-21417 (2021).

[8]     Q. Sheng, M. Wang, H. Ma, Yue Qi, J. Liu, D. Xu, W. Shi, and J. Yao, "Continuous-wave long-distributed-cavity laser using cat-eye retroreflectors," Opt. Express, 29(21), 34269-34277 (2021).

[9]     C. Shi, H. Tian, Q. Sheng*, W. Shi*, Q. Fang, S. Sun, J. Zhang, X. Deng, J. Yao, "High-power single-frequency pulsed fiber MOPA via SPM suppression based on a triangular pulse," Results Phys., 28, 104594 (2021).

[10]  C. Shi, Q. Sheng*, S. Fu, S. Sun, J. Zhang, W. Shi*, and J. Yao, "Power scaling and spectral linewidth suppression of hybrid Brillouin/thulium fiber laser," Opt. Express, 28(3), 2948-2955 (2020).

[11]  L. Zhang, J. Zhang, Q. Sheng*, S. Sun, C. Shi, S. Fu, X. Bai, Q. Fang, W. Shi*, and J. Yao, "Efficient multi-watt 1720 nm ring-cavity Tm-doped fiber laser," Opt. Express, 28(25), 37910-37918 (2020).

[12]  K. Zhong, W. Shi*, D. Xu, P. Liu, Y. Wang, J. Mei, C. Yan, S. Fu, and J. Yao, "Optically pumped terahertz sources [Invited]," Sci. China Technol. Sc., 60(12), 1801-1818 (2017).

[13]  S. Fu, W. Shi*, Q. Sheng, G. Shi, H. Zhang, X. Bai, and J. Yao, "Compact Hundred-mW 2 μm Single-Frequency Thulium-Doped Silica Fiber Laser, " IEEE Photonic. Tech. L., 29(11), 853-856 (2017).

[14]  S. Fu, W. Shi, Y. Feng, L. Zhang, Z. Yang, S. Xu, X. Zhu, R. A. Norwood, and N. Peyghambarian, "Review of recent progress on single-frequency fiber lasers [Invited]," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 34(3), A49-A62 (2017).

[15]  J. Mei, K. Zhong*, M. Wang, Y. Liu, D. Xu, W. Shi*, Y. Wang, J. Yao, R. A. Norwood, and N. Peyghambarian, “Widely-tunable high-repetition-rate terahertz generation in GaSe with a compact dual-wavelength KTP OPO around 2 μm,” Opt. Express, 24(20), 23368-23375 (2016)

[16]  Q. Fang, Y. Xu, S. Fu, and W. Shi*, “Single-frequency distributed Bragg reflector Nd doped silica fiber laser at 930 nm,” Opt. Lett., 41(8), 1829-1832 (2016).

[17]  S. Fu, G. Shi, Q. Sheng, W. Shi*, X. Zhu, J. Yao, R. A. Norwood, and N. Peyghambarian, “Dual-wavelength fiber laser operating above 2 μm based on cascaded single-mode-multimode-single-mode fiber structures,” Opt. Express, 24(11), 11282-11289 (2016).

[18]  X. Bai, Q. Sheng*, H. Zhang, S. Fu, W. Shi*, and J. Yao, “High-power all-fiber single-frequency Erbium–Ytterbium co-doped fiber master oscillator power amplifier,” IEEE Photonics J., 7(6), 7103106 (2015).

[19]  S. Fu, W. Shi*, J. Lin, Q. Fang, Q. Sheng, H. Zhang, J. Wen, and J. Yao, “Single-frequency fiber laser at 1950 nm based on thulium-doped silica fiber,” Opt. Lett., 40(22), 5283-5286 (2015).

[20]  S. Fu, Q. Sheng, X. Zhu, W. Shi*, J. Yao, G. Shi, R. A. Norwood, and N. Peyghambarian, “Passive Q-switching of an all-fiber laser induced by the Kerr effect of multimode interference,” Opt. Express, 23(13), 17255-17262 (2015).

[21]  W. Shi*, Q. Fang, X. Zhu, R. A. Norwood, and N. Peyghambarian, “Fiber lasers and their applications [Invited],” Appl. Opt., 53(28), 6554-6568 (2014).

[22]  Q. Fang, Y. Qin, B. Wang, and W. Shi*, “230 W average-power all-fiber-based actively Q-switched fiber master oscillator–power amplifier,” Applied optics, 52(27), 6744-6747, (2013).

[23]  X. Zhu, W. Shi, J. Zong, et al., “976 nm single-frequency distributed Bragg reflector fiber laser,” Optics Letters,37(20):4167-4169, (2012).

[24]  R. Zhou, W. Shi*, E. Petersen, et al., “Transform-Limited, Injection Seeded, Q-Switched, Ring Cavity Fiber Laser,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 30(16): 2589–2595, (2012).

[25]  Q. Fang, W. Shi*, K. Kieu, et al., “High power and high energy monolithic single frequency 2 μm nanosecond pulsed fiber laser by using large core Tm-doped germanate fibers: Experiment and Modeling,” Optics Express, 20(15): 16410-16420, (2012).

[26]  Q. Fang, W. Shi*, E. Petersen, et al., “Half-mJ all fiber based single frequency nanosecond pulsed fiber laser at 2 μm,” Photonics Technology Letters, 24(5): 353-355, (2012).

[27]  E. Petersen, W. Shi*, A. Chavez-Pirson, et al., “High peak-power single frequency pulses using multiple stage, large core phosphate fibers and pre-shaped pulses,” Applied Optics, 51(5): 531-534, (2012).

[28]  W. Shi*, E. Petersen, D. T. Nguyen, et al., “220 μJ monolithic single-frequency Q-switched fiber laser at 2 μm by using highly Tm-doped germanate fibers,” Optics Letters, 36(18): 3575-3577, (2011).

[29]  E. Petersen, W. Shi*, A. Chavez-Pirson, et al., “Efficient parametric terahertz generation in quasi-phase-matched GaP through cavity enhanced difference-frequency generation,” Applied Physics Letters, 98(13): 121119-121121, (2011).

[30]  W. Shi*, E. Petersen, D. T. Nguyen, et al., “Kilowatt-level stimulated-Brillouin-scattering-threshold monolithic transform-limited 100 ns pulsed fiber laser at 1530 nm,” Optics Letters, 35(14): 2418-2420, (2010).

[31]  E. Petersen, W.Shi*, D. T. Nguyen, et al., “Enhanced terahertz source based   on external cavity difference-frequency generation using monolithic single-frequency pulsed fiber lasers,” Optics Letters, 35(13): 2170-2172, (2010).

[32]  W. Shi*, E. Petersen, M. A. Leigh, et al., “High SBS-threshold single-mode single-frequency monolithic pulsed fiber laser in the C-band,” Optics Express, 17(10): 8237-8245, (2009).

[33]  W. Shi*, M. A. Leigh, J. Zong, et al., “High power all fiber-based narrow linewidth single-mode fiber laser pulses in the C-band and frequency conversion to THz generation,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 15(2): 377-384, (2009).


